Mrs Naomi Jeffery
Mrs Naomi Jeffery
Chair of The Local Governing Body Partnership.
Governor lead in Safeguarding, and Partnership.
Naomi joined the board as a parent governor in July 2021 with the aim to give back to the local community. She took on the chair position in January 2024, which means she has an active role overseeing and championing the governing board for both Hartford schools. Specifically, Naomi plays an important role for the school by taking on the lead for the board on Safeguarding, and Partnership.
Naomi is a busy Mum with one child at the Junior Sschool, two at the Infant School, and two others who have gone through Hartford Junior to secondary school.
She works in admin, giving her a good foundation of skills to bring into the Chair role. In her spare time, she enjoys arts and craft activities and taking her small dog for a walk.
Mrs Jo Eagle
Staff Governor
Jo Eagle is the EYFS Lead.
She is a dedicated member of the Local Governing Body.
Mrs Sian Fortt
Joining the board of Governors was an easy decision for Sian, with a naturally nosy personality and a passion for problem solving, she loves to get involved in activities which have a lasting impact. Sian has over 10 years experience in events, marketing and communications.
She works for The Alan Turing Institute, the national institute for data science and AI, leading the marketing function within the communications department. During her tenure as Parent Governor, she plans to use her experience and creative thinking to aid both schools in reaching their strategic objectives and to help raise the schools standard for pupils, parents and the wider community.
Sian has one child attending Hartford Infant and Preschool and is currently on maternity leave with her second child.
Mrs Rae Lee
Rae Lee is the Headteacher of Hartford Infant and Preschool and Hartford Junior School.
She joined the Governing Body is September 2004 in her role as Deputy Headteacher of the Infant School and has worked on a variety of committees and with different members over the years as the board has changed. She is dedicated to raising the standards of both the Infant and Preschool and the Junior School and welcomes new people from the school community to join the Local Governing Body Partnership to work across both schools.
Mrs Sue Orledge
Staff Governor
Sue has been a staff governor for several years and has worked hard to support the school governance team. She is currently the link governor for Sports Premium and the Early Years.
Sue's role as a teaching assistant and Supervisor of the school's breakfast and after school club [Treehouse Club] enables her to make good links in her role on the Local Governing Body Partnership.
Mrs Lizzie Rogers
Mrs Lizzie Rogers
Trust Governor
Curriculum Link Governor
Lizzie has always been interested in governance and is a trustee for her church since 2018. Her motivation for joining the Board of Governors (since April 2023) was to assist the school to continue to strive for excellence for every child they care for.
She has 2 children who will attend Hartford Infant and Preschool, one who started in 2022 and the other is excited to start in 2024.
Lizzie's career has been a varied one after setting up a successful dog grooming business, she has recently started a new career in change management consultancy. Her passion is curating a healthy organisational culture which cares for all, is efficient and strives for excellence. She identifies as an Aim High Hippo!
Mrs Ellie Shaw
KS2 Teacher Governor
Ellie has been an UKS2 teacher for the past three years at Hartford Junior School. She is currently teaching Year 6 and has enjoyed the challenge of improving the attainment levels and statutory assessment data for her current cohort.
Mrs Abigail Shearing
Parent Governor
SEND and Mental Health Link Governor
Abigail is a certified accountant and licensed insolvency practitioner. She works across East Anglia.
Abigail is the mother of one child currently at Hartford Infant and Preschool.