Hartford Infant School
Mayfield Crescent
PE29 1UL
Headteacher: Mrs Rae Lee
Tel: 01480 398046
Email: rlee@hartfordinfantschool.org
Queries are handled by our office staff: Mrs Jenna McDonald who will ensure you are directed to the relevant person.
Email: office@hartfordinfantschool.org
SEND Co-ordinator: Mrs Vicky McGregor
Email: vmcgregor@hartfordinfantschool.org
Chair of Governors: Mr Vaughan Clark
Email: (chair) vclark@hartfordinfantschool.org
Clerk to Governors: Mrs Jose Railton
Email: (clerk) jrailton@hartfordinfantschool.org
Hartford Infant School is part of The Cam Academy Trust
email: info@catrust.co.uk
Paper copies of any information on our website are available on request, free of charge, from the school office.
Designated Safeguarding Leads [DSLs]:
Mrs Rae Lee (Headteacher) rlee@hartfordinfantschool.org
Mrs Vicky McGregor (SENDCO) vmcgregor@hartfordinfantschool.org
Mrs Rachael Hyem (Assistant Headteacher) rhyem@hartfordinfantschool.org
Treehouse Club (Breakfast and After School Club): 07780975947 for information on invoices contact Mrs J McDonald jmcdonald@hartfordinfantschool.org
Complaints: Any complaint about the infant school or preschool provision should be addressed to the Headteacher in the first instance. Should the complaint not be resolved the procedures in the Complaints Policy should be followed.